Monday, May 19, 2008

Memories of a loving husband and father

These quilts are very special to me, but not half as special as they are to the family.

These quilts are made from shirts which belonged to a loving husband and father. We used some of his everyday shirst and some of his work shirts to make 2 quilts for his two children. I hope they are able to cherish the quilts for years to come!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oklahoma State Pledge

This Oklahoma State pledge sent me her favorite shirts as a graduation present to herself. I just LOVE the colors in the quilt, she went with a beautiful light blue on the back.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Country Boy

This Louisiana Mom made this for her son, I don't know his age, but it's always neat to me how one's shirts express their personality, likes and dislikes, etc, how we can create an idea of who they are from just their tshirts. This boy obviously is a Christian Country Boy, who has a mom who loves him.

Monday, May 5, 2008

From one brother to another

One brother took photos of his and his brother's family, transfered the photos to tshirts and put them with some of their favorite old tshirts featuring historical memoris, music memories, etc.

If I were this brother, I would have been head over heels to know that my brother took the time to put this all together for me. How toughtful!
You can have your own custom tshirt quilt too! Just gather up your shirts, contact me and we'll get started on your qulit!

Visit my website for more info: Click here for the site
Click on any photo to see a much closer look of the quilt.